5. Operation of projector
5.2. Confirmation of projector status
The status of the projector is displayed on the projector list on the main screen.
Item Description
Check Theftdetectorsetting(ON/OFF)
No. Projector list registration number
Projector Name Projector name set in the application
MAC Address MAC address of the projector
IP Address IP address of the projector
Power Powersupplystatusoftheprojector(ON/OFF)
Input Source *
AVMute Mutestatusoftheprojector(ON/OFF)
Lamp1/2Time(Low) Lampilluminatingtime(HHHH:MM)
In the case of the projector equipped with two lamps, illuminating time for
the lamp 1 is displayed in the left side and illuminating time for the lamp 2 is
displayed in the right side.
Group Name The belonging group of projector
HDMI and DVI-D are displayed with DIGITAL 1 or DIGITAL 2 by a connected projector.
• Theprojectorstatusisre-obtained(refreshed)automaticallyandperiodically,butthepresentstatuscan
also be obtained by the user’s instruction. When clicking [Refresh Status] of the tool bar on the main screen,
• ThestatusofInputSourceandAVMutewillnotbeobtainedunderthefollowingconditions:
- when the projector is powered off
- during warm-up or cool-down.
• Whenclickingthestatustagoftheprojectorlist(excepttheMACaddress),thelistcanberearranged(sorted).
The list can be rearranged in reversed order by pressing one more time.
• Whenclicking[SelectAll]ofthetoolbar,allprojectorsintheprojectorlistbecomeselected/nonselected
• Ifanyabnormalstateoftheprojectorisdetectedbyacquiringtheprojectorstatus,anerrormessagewillbe
displayed on the error message display column at the lower part of the screen.
• Thedefaultcycleoftheautomaticre-acquisitionis10minutes.Tochangethiscycle,see“3.1.System
• Whenmultipleprojectorsareconnected,itmaytaketimetoacquirethestatus.Duringacquiringthestatus,
the status bar at the lower part of the main screen becomes “Getting status...”, and it becomes “Done” when
the acquisition has been completed.