5. Operation of projector
5.1. Operation of projector by remote controller
Group or single unit of projector can be operated.
(1) Select the projector which you like to operate from the projector list on the main screen.
• Whenselectingmorethanoneprojectorsimultaneously,selectwhilepressingtheCtrlkey.
(2) Click [Remote Controller] of the tool bar on the main screen or when you like to operate a
certain projector, double click the projector on the projector list on the main screen.
• “RemoteController”windowisdisplayed.
(3) Operate the projector by selecting each operating button on the window.
Command Button Description
Power Power ON Turn on the power supply of the projector.
Power OFF Turn off the power supply of the projector.
Input Source COMPUTER 1 Change the input signal to COMPUTER 1.
COMPUTER 2 Change the input signal to COMPUTER 2.
VIDEO Change the input signal to VIDEO.
S-VIDEO Change the input signal to S-VIDEO.
Change the input signal to HDMI *
Change the input signal to DVI-D *
DIGITAL 3 Change the input signal to DIGITAL 3.
NETWORK Change the input signal to NETWORK.
STORAGE 1 Change the input signal to STORAGE 1.
STORAGE 2 Change the input signal to STORAGE 2.
COMPONENT Change the input signal to COMPONENT.
Exit ClosetheRemoteControllerwindow.
HDMI and DVI-D are displayed with DIGITAL 1 or DIGITAL 2 by a connected projector.
• Thenextoperationcannotbeperformeduntilthepreviousoperationhasbeencompleted.
• Theoperationcannotbeperformedduringre-obtaining(refreshing)theprojectorstatus.
• Availableinputsourcesvarydependingonthetypeofprojectors.Youcannotselectinputsourcesthataren’t
supported by the projector.