Keep any threading
Keep any threading
two pipe threads to avoid
two pipe threads to avoid
having any small pieces of
two pipe threads to avoid
having any small pieces of
two pipe threads to avoid
having any small pieces of
compound break loose and
having any small pieces of
compound break loose and
clog a burner valve or
compound break loose and
clog a burner valve or
clog a burner valve or
pipe used be kept as short
pipe used be kept as short
as possible.
pipe used be kept as short
units using
natural gas, Lynx strongly
recommends using a quick
disconnect kit.
recommends using a quick
regulator assembly for con
regulator assembly for con
necessary to attach the
assembly to the grill are
last two last two last two
last two
Keep Keep Keep
last two
last two
last two
Keep Keep Keep
last two
, is available from your dealer
nections, such as those in line
nections, such as those in line
with a bulk cylinder, require
with a bulk cylinder, require
with a bulk cylinder, require
with a bulk cylinder, require
with a bulk cylinder, require
with a bulk cylinder, require
with a bulk cylinder, require
axitrol regulator, ensure that
it is set for the correct fuel by
axitrol regulator, ensure that
it is set for the correct fuel by
axitrol regulator, ensure that
adding or removing the cap
adding or removing the cap
gasket as shown below.
adding or removing the cap
ever connect an unregulated
Do not change the Do not change the Do not change the
regulator/hose assembly regulator/hose assembly regulator/hose assembly
or use any other assembly or use any other assembly or use any other assembly
than the one supplied with than the one supplied with than the one supplied with
your Lynx grill.your Lynx grill.your Lynx grill.
than the one supplied with
your Lynx grill.
than the one supplied with than the one supplied with than the one supplied with
your Lynx grill.
than the one supplied with
your Lynx grill.
than the one supplied with
your Lynx grill.
than the one supplied with than the one supplied with than the one supplied with
your Lynx grill.
than the one supplied with
Do not attempt to use a Do not attempt to use a Do not attempt to use a
5LP-A equipped regulator/5LP-A equipped regulator/5LP-A equipped regulator/
Do not attempt to use a
5LP-A equipped regulator/
Do not attempt to use a Do not attempt to use a Do not attempt to use a
5LP-A equipped regulator/
Do not attempt to use a
5LP-A equipped regulator/
Do not attempt to use a
5LP-A equipped regulator/
Do not attempt to use a Do not attempt to use a Do not attempt to use a
5LP-A equipped regulator/
Do not attempt to use a
hose assembly with a hose assembly with a hose assembly with a
5LP-A equipped regulator/
hose assembly with a
5LP-A equipped regulator/5LP-A equipped regulator/5LP-A equipped regulator/
hose assembly with a
5LP-A equipped regulator/
hose assembly with a
5LP-A equipped regulator/
hose assembly with a
5LP-A equipped regulator/5LP-A equipped regulator/5LP-A equipped regulator/
hose assembly with a
5LP-A equipped regulator/
standard 510 POL cylinder/standard 510 POL cylinder/standard 510 POL cylinder/
valve assembly. valve assembly. valve assembly.
Do not store a spare LP-gas Do not store a spare LP-gas Do not store a spare LP-gas
cylinder under or near this cylinder under or near this cylinder under or near this
Do not store a spare LP-gas
cylinder under or near this
Do not store a spare LP-gas Do not store a spare LP-gas Do not store a spare LP-gas
cylinder under or near this
Do not store a spare LP-gas
cylinder under or near this
Do not store a spare LP-gas
cylinder under or near this
Do not store a spare LP-gas Do not store a spare LP-gas Do not store a spare LP-gas
cylinder under or near this
Do not store a spare LP-gas
Never ll the cylinder Never ll the cylinder Never ll the cylinder
beyond 80 percent fullbeyond 80 percent fullbeyond 80 percent full
Never ll the cylinder
beyond 80 percent full
Never ll the cylinder Never ll the cylinder Never ll the cylinder
beyond 80 percent full
Never ll the cylinder
beyond 80 percent full
Never ll the cylinder
beyond 80 percent full
Never ll the cylinder Never ll the cylinder Never ll the cylinder
beyond 80 percent full
Never ll the cylinder
If the information above is If the information above is If the information above is
not followed exactly, a re not followed exactly, a re not followed exactly, a re
causing death or serious causing death or serious causing death or serious
injury may occur.injury may occur.injury may occur.
structed and marked in accor
structed and marked in accorstructed and marked in accor
epartment of Transportation
epartment of Transportation
epartment of Transportation
epartment of Transportation
epartment of Transportation
epartment of Transportation
with a Type 1 system only.
using the provided cylinder
using the provided cylinder
retention system to avoid
retention system to avoid
using the provided cylinder
retention system to avoid
using the provided cylinder
using the provided cylinder
retention system to avoid
using the provided cylinder
ever use a cylinder with a
may be hazardous and should
be avoided. If in doubt, have
may be hazardous and should
be avoided. If in doubt, have
may be hazardous and should
Always check for leaks after
supply at the cylinder when
supply at the cylinder when
the grill is not in use.
supply at the cylinder when
lated area out of the reach of
children. If your grill is stored
When exchanging your
When exchanging your