Default settings of the printer driver
8-6 bizhub C652/C652DS/C552/C452
- In "Device Option", the model and option are automatically specified if [Acquire Settings] is set to
"Auto". If [Acquire Settings] is not set to "Auto", be sure to specify it by [Acquire Device Information] or
- "Function Version" corresponds to the version of this machine. To check the version of this machine,
select [Utility/Counter] - [Device Information] in the control panel. If [Device Information] is not
displayed, the version is "Version1". The contents of this manual support the functions of Version 3.
- When "Secure Print Only" is set to "On" in "Device Option", only the secure print jobs are allowed. For
details on secure printing, refer to page 11-6.
- In "Encryption Passphrase", enter the encryption passphrase that matches the one that configured in
"Driver Password Encryption Setting" of the machine.
- The function of [Acquire Device Information] is available only when your computer is connected to and
can communicate with the machine. To use [Acquire Device Information], in Administrator Settings of
the machine, set [System Connection] - [OpenAPI Settings] - [Authentication] to "OFF". For details, refer
to page 12-63.
- If [Enter Password to acquire Device Information] is selected in [Obtain Settings...], check that the
password matches that specified in [Assign Account to Acquire Device Info] of this machine. Enter the
password using up to eight characters, excluding spaces and """.
d Reference
For details on allowing the user to specify "Encryption Passphrase", refer to page 11-34.
For details on [Assign Account to Acquire Device Info] of this machine, refer to page 12-63.
Item Function
Device Option Configure the model name of the machine and the status of the installed
printer options and user authentication/account track. Specify the status of
each item in the "Setting" box.
Paper Tray Information Displays the paper type assigned for each paper tray.
Click [Paper Tray Settings] to configure the settings for each paper tray.
Obtain Device Informa-
Click this button to communicate with the machine and load the status of the
installed options.
Obtain Settings Click this button to configure conditions such as the destination from which
you acquire the device information.
When automatically acquiring device information, enable [Auto].
If necessary, you can select [Enter Password to acquire Device Information]
and specify a password for authentication to acquire device information. This
then performs password authentication when acquiring device information.
Encryption Passphrase Any string used to encrypt communication with this machine.
If the encryption passphrase for the machine was changed from "Use Facto-
ry Default" to "User-Defined", enter the same encryption passphrase as for
the machine. An encryption key is automatically created for the entered text,
and used for communication with the machine.
Software Tools Allows you to start up the software tools such as PageScope Web Connec-