AccuTempTM - Models DW760 & DW860 Only
If, for any reason, the incomingwater is below On - The On lightwill glow during all washes,
120°F, pressthe AccuTempTM buttonto insure rinsesandthe dryingperiod.
the waterisheatedto the propertemperaturefor
best cleaningand drying results. If the water Heating Delay -The HeatingDelay lightindicates
temperature is low, the main wash will be themainwashisbeingextendedtoheatthe water
extended andthe HeatingDelay indicatorlight to the propertemperature.
will glow.
Press the Cancel buttonto cancel this option. Clean (Models DW760 & DW860 only) - The
Clean light will glow after the drying period is
This optionis not available in the Rinse & Hold completedas a reminderthat the dishes have
cycle, gonethrougha washanddrycycle.It will remain
lit until the dial is manually turned to the Off
Heat Dry position (vertical line after the dry section).
Selectthisoptionto provideheat forfasterdrying.
Delay Start (Model DW860 only) - The Delay
Fan Dry - Models DW710 & DW730 Only Startlightwillglowduringthe Delaytimeperiod.It
Depressthisbuttontoturnthe heatingelementoff willgo off whenthe dishwasherstarts.
duringthe fan dry cycle.
Cancel - Models DW760 & DW860 Only
Press the Cancel buttonto cancel the Heat Dry For best cleaning,the forgotten item shouldbe
AND/ORtheAccuTempTM options.NOTE: If heat added earlyin the cycle.
dry has been cancelled, a fan will still operate
duringthe dry cycle. 1. Unlatchthe doorand wait untilthe soundof
circulatingwater stops.
Delay Start - Model DW860 Only
Select thisoptiontodelaystartthedishwasherfor 2. Open the doorand add the item.
approximately1- 6 hours.To select,turnthe Set
Dialto the desirednumberof hours. 3. Closethedoorandpause brieflybeforelatch-
ing the door. The cycle will continueat the
pointit was interrupted.
Note: Run the water from the hot water tap to
clear the line of cold water before starting the
After loading, press the buttonfor the desired
wash cycle (Heavy, Normalor Light).Pressthe
Note DWT00 Owners: Turn the dial to desired
To selectRinse & Holdset the dial at the begin-
ningoftheRinse&Holdsection.AccuTempTM and
Heat Dry are notavailablewiththiscycle.
After selectingthe cycle and optionspressthe
dooruntilit latches.The motorwillrunfora minute
ortwobeforethedishwasherbeginsto fill.The On