Select the Proper Cycle
The cycle needed depends on the amount of food
Hot Water is a Must soil. See page 8 for cycle descriptions.
Hot water dissolves and activates the dishwashing
detergent, dissolves grease on dishes and helps Select Heat Dry
dry glasses spot-free. Make certain all loads are For faster drying select Heat Dry.
washed in hot water. Ways to have a reliable hot
water supply...
1. Maintain a minimum of 120°F water supply at
central water heater. To check water tempera- Hard Water Deposit
ture, refer to page 4. If an unusual amount of calcium is in the water, a
2. Let the water from the hot water tap run to lime film or deposit may eventually build up on the
clear the line of cold water before selecting a dishes and interior surface of the dishwasher. You
cycle, may first notice this as "cloudy" glasses.
3. Let the water heater recover if you have re-
cently done laundry. To determine if the film on the glasses is due to
4. Models DW760 & DW860 Only - If your hot hard water, soak a glass approximately 15 min-
water is below 120°F it will be necessary to utes in undiluted white vinegar. Rinse and dry. If
selecttheAccuTempTMoptiontoachievegood film is removed, it is due to hard water (if not
results. AccuTemp TM will add heat during the removed, see Soft Water Etching).
main wash and thermostatically check the
water temperature. If the proper temperature To correct:
is not reached during the standard main wash
time, the heating delay indicator will light and 1. Increase the amount of detergent used ac-
the cycle will be extended until the tempera- cording to the degree of water hardness. (See
ture is reached, p. 7.)
2. Check the water temperature. (See p. 4.)
Use Enough Detergent 3. Use a rinse aid to improve the sheeting action
For proper soil removal and to prevent filming, of the water. (See p. 7.)
etching and spotting, an adequate amount of
detergent must be used. We recommend 1 tea- To remove film from dishwasher interior, try
spoon of detergent per grain of water hardness one of the following:
with a minimum of 3 teaspoons. See page 7 on
adding detergent. 1. Remove with a damp cloth and a mild scouring
Use a Rinse Aid 2. Startemptydishwasheron Rinse&Holdcycle.
Using a rinse aid improves drying results and During fill, open door and add 1/3 cup RoVer
reduces spotting and filming. See page 7 for Rust Remover to water. Allow dishwasher to
instructions on using a rinse aid. complete cycle. Do not use detergent. Follow
with a regular detergent wash.
Load the Dishwasher Properly
To insure that all soiled surfaces get adequate
wash action, carefully follow the instructions for
loading the dishwasher. (See pp. 4-6.) Make sure
nothing extends above or below the racks to
interfere with the movement of the upper or lower
spray arms.