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Model DW860
Rinse & Hold Rinse 5 Min. 1.5 Gal.
Use to rinsea relativelyfew 13 Min. (DW700 only) 3.0Gal.(DWT00only)
soileddishes which are to be
held untilthe dishwasheris
full.Turn to Rinse& Holdon
Light** PreWash ] 7.5 Gal.
Use for chinaandcrystaland Rinse / 45 Min.
for loadscontainingmedium MainWash
to lightamountsof soil.Press 2 Rinses
Lightbuttonand turnthe dial Dry 25 Min.
to Start. 70 Min.+ Heating Delay*
Normal 9 Gal.
Use for washing loads con- PreWash 9.5Gal.(DW700only)
tainingnormallysoileddishes. 2 Rinses ' 55 Min.
This would include dishloads Main Wash
with problem soils. PressNor- 2 Rinses
mal buttonand turn the dial to Dry 25 Min.
Start. (Note DW700 Owners: 80 Min. + Heating Delay*
Turn dial to Normal.)
Heavy PreWash 10.5 Gal.
Use for loads with heavy or 2 Rinses ' 65 Min. 11Gal.(DW700Only)
dried soils. Press Heavy but- Main Wash
ton and turn the dial to Start. 3 Rinses
(Note DW700 Owners: Turn Dry .125Min.
dial to Heavy.) 90 Min. + Heating Delay*
* Thedishwashermayextendthe mainwashto heatthe waterto propertemperature. On ModelsDW730,
DW760& DW860,the heatingdelayindicatorwill lightwhenthe cycleis beingextendeddueto lowwater
temperature.NOTE:ModelDW730doesn'thavea heatingdelayforthe Lightcycle.
** Lightcycleis availableon DW730,DW760& DW860modelsonly.