Full One Year Warranty
i Any part which failsin normalhome use duringthe firstyear after the date of original retail purchase, will be repaired or
replaced free of charge.
Limited Two Year Warranty
Any partwhichfails innormalhomeuse duringthe secondyearfromthedate of originalretailpurchase,willbe repaired
or replacedfree of chargefor the part itself,withthe ownerpayingall othercosts,includinglabor,
Limited Five Year Warranty on Wash System and Solid State Controls
Any parts ofthe system including thecompletepower module assembly, center spray nozzle, spray arms, top wash arm
hose, motor, AND---on Computer Touch Control Models only--any microprocessor and touch pad assemblies which fail
in normal home use during the second through the fifth year from the date of original retail purchase, will be repaired or
replaced free of charge for the part itself, with the owner paying all other costs, including labor.
Limited Five Year Rack Warranty (Available on Select Models)
Shouldthe DuralonTMcoatedracksrustduringthe five yearperiodstarting fromthedateof originalretailpurchase,repair
or replacement will be made free of charge for the part itself, withthe owner paying al7other costs, includinglabor.
FULL TWENTY Year Warranty Against Leaks on Dishwasher Tub and Door Liner
Shoulda waterleak developin thetubor doorlinerin normalhomeuseduringtheTWENTY YEAR periodstartingfrom
he date oforiginalretailpurchase,repair or replacementof the tuband/ordoor linerwill be madeFREE OF CHARGE,
These full warranties and the limited warranties apply when the appliance is located in the UnitedStates or Canada.
Appliances located elsewhereare covered by the limitedwarrantiesonly, which include parts which fail duringthe first year.
Canadian Residents
Thiswarrantycoversonlythoseappliances installedinCanadathathavebeenlistedwithCanadianStandardsAssociation
unless the appliances are brought into Canada due to transfer of residence from the United States to Canada.
To Receive Warranty Service
First: Call or write the JENN-AIR dealer from whom your appliance was purchased or the authorized service firm
designated by the dealer.
If you have moved from the selling dealer's service area call or write any authorized JENN-AtR dealer or
authorized service firm at your new location. Check the telephone directory yellow pages to identify the
dealer or service firm in your area.
Second: Should your contact with the dealer or the service firm fail to satisfactorily resolve the problem, contact the !
manager of the dealership or the manager of the service firm for assistance.
Third: Should you not receive satisfactory warranty service from one of the above or need help in identifying an
authorized service firm write Jean-Air Customer Assistance, c/o Maytag Customer Service, P.O. Box 2370,
Cleveland, TN 37320-2370, and arrangementsfor warranty service will be made. If the problem is urgent, caJI
Jenn-Air Customer Assistance, c/o Maytag Customer Service at (800) 688-1100.
When contacting Jean-AirCustomerAssistance, c/o MaytagCustomer Service besure to include the modeland
serial number of your appliance, the nameand address of the dealer from whom you purchased the appliance
and the date of purchase.
This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Should you still have a problem, write to: Major Appliance Consumer Action Program, 20 North Wacker Drive, Chicago,
Illinois 60606. MACAP is an industry sponsored but independent group of consumer experts who receive and act on
complaints from appliance owners.
NOTE: When writing about an unsolved service problem, please include the renewing information:
(a) Your name, address and telephone number;
(b) Model number and serial number (found on the upper left corner of the tub opening) of your appliance;
(c) Name and address of your dealer and date the appliance was bought;
(d) A clear description of the problem you are having;
(e) Water hardness, detergent brand and amount, water temperature, and cycle used.
Cat.No.DU760UE PartNo.6-913590 10/95