• Certain foods, such as mustard, mayonnaise,
lemon juice, vinegar, salt or dressings may
For proper performance of your dishwasher, hot cause stainless steel flatware to rust and pit if
water is necessary to activate the dishwasher allowed to remain in contact with the surface
detergent and meltfatty food soils. Set your water for a period of time.Therefore, it is bestto rinse
heatertodeliveraminimum of 120OFwater to the these food soils off stainless steel flatware
dishwasher, unless the dishwasher is to be operated soon
after loading.
Models DW700 & DW710 -The heatingelement
in your dishwasherwill turnon automaticallyto • If your dishwasherdrains into a food waste
heatthewater duringthe mainwashofallcycles disposer,make certainthe disposeris corn-
(theheatingelementwillnotbeon duringRinse& pletelyemptybefore startingthe dishwasher
Hold). to providefor properdraining.
Model DW730 - AutomaticAccuTempTM in the
Normal and Heavy cycles will thermostatically
heatthe water duringthe mainwash andextend Seldom will householdshave identicaldishes.
heatingif neededuntilthe properwatertempera- The numberand type of articlesused will vary
ture is reached, daily.Your dishwasheris designedto beflexible
and accommodatea wide varietyof dishesand
Models DW760 & DW860 - The AccuTempTM utensils.The followinginstructionsand drawings
Option willthermostaticallyheatthewaterduring willhelpyoubecomefamiliarwithyourdishwash-
the mainwashand extendthe heating,if needed er. With experience,you will learn the best ar-
until the proper water temperature is reached, rangement for your particular needs.
To check water temperature,turn onthe hot water General Recommendations
faucet nearest the dishwasher. Let water run into • Place all items on the racks so they are sepa-
aglass until itis ashot aspossible,thencheck with rated and face the center to insure the water
a candy or meat thermometer. If the temperature spray will reach the soiled surfaces. Do not
allow items to extend out of the racks.
at the faucet is below 120°F have a qualified
person raisethe water heater thermostat setting. • Make sure the movement of the upper and
lower spray arms is not blocked by items
For more information, see page 11. hanging belowthe lower rack or tall articles in
the upper rack.
• Insure the free flow of water to the detergent
• It is not necessary to rinse dishes before cup by not blocking itwith large items.
placing them in your Jenn-Air dishwasher. • Larger, flat, lightweight items (such as plastic
Simply scrape off bones and large pieces of covers) may be wedged next to the silverware
food. basket or along the sides and back of the
• Foods that have been burned onto cooking
utensils will need to be scraped or soaked. • The wash tower rises through the center ofthe
lower rackduring the cycle. Forthe bestclean-
ing results, avoid blocking it or loading tall
articles next to it.