Most tableware, cookware and silverware can be facturer, simply test-wash a small item for several
safely washed in your Jenn-Air dishwasher. If you weeks before attempting to wash an entire set.
have any doubts about a particular piece of Remember: It is the user's responsibility to deter-
dishware, check with the manufacturer to see if it mine if dishware should be washed in a dish-
is dishwasher safe. If you cannot reach the manu- washer.
Yes, except High water temperature No Cannot withstand high
anodized and detergents may af- water temperatures and
aluminum fect finish. Check clean- detergents.
and some ing instructions.
cookware. Yes(If labeled Always check manu-
"dishwasher facturer's recommenda-
No, except Seasoning will be re- safe") tionbeforewashing. Plas-
for Jenn-Air moved, and ironwill rust. tics vary in their capacity
grill-rocks to withstand high water
temperatures and deter-
Yes, except Always check manufac- gents.
antique or turer' recommendation
handpainted before washing. Antique Yes RunaRinse&HoldCycle
china, handpainted orover-the- if not washing immedi-
glaze patterns may fade. ately. Prolonged contact
Gold leaf may discolor. If withfoodscontainingsalt,
in doubt, test-wash a vinegar, milkproductsor
small item for several fruit juice could damage
weeks beforewashingan finish.
entire set.
Yes, except Always check manuf- Yes, except RunaRinse&HoldCycle
antique or acturer's recommenda- those with if not washing immedi-
lightweight tion before washing, commercial ately. Prolonged contact
delicate Some types of leaded "darkening". with food containing salt,
crystal, crystal may etch with re- Note: Do not acid or sulfide (eggs,
peated washings, if in wash with mayonnaise and sea-
doubt, test-wash a small stainless food) could damage fin-
itemforseveralweeksbe- steel or ish.Commercial"darken-
forewashing anentireset. copper, ing" may be removed by
Yes, except Milk glass will yellow with
milk glass, repeated dishwasher
washing. No May rust.
No Will discolor. No Always check man-
tion before washing.
Wood may warp, crack
No Highwater temperatures or discolor.
and detergent may
discolor or pit finish.