
6 - 30
MicroPDF417 Message Length
Scan the barcodes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 6-
2) for additional information. Minimum and Maximum lengths = 1-366. Minimum Default = 1, Maximum
Default = 366.
EANUCC Composite Codes
Linear codes are combined with a unique 2D composite component to form a new class called
EAN•UCC Composite symbology. EAN•UCC Composite symbologies allow for the co-existence of sym-
bologies already in use.
UPC/EAN Version
Scan the
UPC/EAN Version On barcode to decode EAN•UCC Composite symbols that have a UPC or
EAN linear component. (This does not affect EAN•UCC Composite symbols with a UCC/EAN-128 or
GS1 DataBar linear component. If either of these codes are the linear component, either Code 128 or
the correct GS1 DataBar code must be enabled.)
Maximum Message Length
Minimum Message Length
* Off
UPC/EAN Version On
* UPC/EAN Version Off