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Scan a barcode below to enable or disable Preferred Symbology.
High Priority Symbology
To specify the high priority symbology, scan the High Priority Symbology barcode below. On the
Symbology Chart on page A-1, find the symbology you want to set as high priority. Locate the Hex value
for that symbology and scan the 2 digit hex value from the Programming Chart (inside back cover). Scan
Save to save your selection.
Default = None
Low Priority Symbology
To specify the low priority symbology, scan the Low Priority Symbology barcode below. On the
Symbology Chart on page A-1, find the symbology you want to set as low priority. Locate the Hex value
for that symbology and scan the 2 digit hex value from the Programming Chart (inside back cover).
If you want to set additional low priority symbologies, scan FF, then scan the 2 digit hex value from the
Programming Chart for the next symbology. You can program up to 5 low priority symbologies. Scan
Save to save your selection.
Default = None
Preferred Symbology Time-out
Once you have enabled Preferred Symbology and entered the high and low priority symbologies, you
must set the time-out period. This is the period of time the document reader will search for a high priority
barcode after a low priority barcode has been encountered. Scan the barcode below, then set the delay
(from 100-3,000 milliseconds) by scanning digits from the inside back cover, then scanning Save.
Default = 500 ms.
Preferred Symbology Default
Scan the barcode below to set all Preferred Symbology entries to their default values.
* Preferred Symbology Off
Preferred Symbology On
Preferred Symbology Time-out
Preferred Symbology Default