Please check following and refer to the chapter “Motor driving
circuit” in the Chassis Block Diagrams on the previous page.
1. No drive signals supplied at motors
Check drive signals at pins 1 and 2 of K55F for focus
motor, pins 3 and 4 of K55F for zoom motor and pins 1
and 2 of K55G for lens shift motor, pins 1 and 2 of K55E
for bright motor on the Audio board.
Check drive signals at pins 1 and 7 of each IC, IC5501,
IC5531 and IC6501.Check drive signals at pins 9 and 5 of
IC5561, Lens Shift.
Check IC5501, IC5531, IC5561 and IC6501 and peripheral
circuits. Check motor drive power supply (9V and 16V).
2. No drive signals supplied at motor drive ICs.
Check drive signals at pins 4 and 5 of ICs IC5501, IC5531,
and IC6501, at pin 18, 20 of IC5561. They are supplied
from pins 4 and 5 for focus drive, pins 6 and 7 for zoom
drive and pins 9 and 10 for lens shift drive, pins 11 and 12
for bright drive of IC15581 I/O control IC.
No drive signals output from CPU.
The motor dive signals are supplied from IC801, main
CPU, via the IIC bus control lines on pins 29 and 30.
4. No key switch signals input to CPU.
Check signals at pins 118 to 120 of IC801 when pressing
the key buttons. Check key buttons.
Lens Motor Problems
No Sound
Please check following and refer to the chapter “Audio signal
processing circuit” in the Chassis Block Diagrams on the pre-
vious page.
1. No audio signals at AV input circuit.
Check audio signals at pins 1, 12 (Computer1), 5, 14
(Computer2) and 2, 15 (Video) of IC5001 on AV Board.
Check IC5001 and peripheral circuits.
Incorrect operation of Input mode switching.
Check AU_SW1 and AU_SW2 switching signals at pins 9
and 10 of IC5001 on the AV board. The AU_SW1 and
AU_SW2 signals are output from pins 4 and 5 of IC1801
as the name of A_SW1 and A_SW2. See the truth table
below for input mode selection on the block diagram.
3. No audio output signal at speakers.
Check audio signals at pins 13 and 8 of IC031 on the
audio board.
Check MUTE signal at pin 17 of IC031. Mute On: Low
The MUTE signal is output from pin 49 of IC1801.
Mute On : High
Check sound volume signal at pin 2, 6 of IC001.
The VOLUME signal is output from pin 15 of IC281 and it
is controlled by IC801 via the IIC bus.
Volume Min.: Low
Check audio signals at IC001, IC031 and peripheral cir-
4. No power supply at audio circuit.
Check 15V(15VAUDIO) power supply line.