show memory fragment
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
show memory fragment
To display the block details of fragmented free blocks and allocated blocks, which is physically just
before or after the blocks on the free list, use the show memory fragment command in user EXEC or
privileged EXEC mode.
show memory [processor | io] fragment [detail]
Syntax Description
Command Modes User EXEC
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Examples The following is sample output from the show memory processor fragment command:
Router# show memory processor fragment
Processor memory
Free memory size : 65516944 Number of free blocks: 230
Allocator PC Summary for allocated blocks in pool: Processor
PC Total Count Name
0x6047DDCC 852020 1 atmdx_vc_table
0x6075DC30 544392 4 ATM1/0
0x61BDBA14 131176 2 eddri_self_event
0x61913BEC 131124 1 l2tp tnl table
0x602E9820 114832 1 AutoVC Msg Chunk
0x6071253C 98408 2 Exec
0x607DF5BC 96624 12 Process Stack
0x6118DDA0 77252 1 Spanning Tree Opt Port Block
0x61F13C30 67636 1 QOS_MODULE_MAIN
0x6047DD3C 65640 2 atmdx_tx_shadow
0x614B6624 65588 1 CEF: loadinfo chunk
0x614D1924 65588 1 IP mtrie node
0x614A58A0 65588 1 CEF: 16 path chunk pool
0x619241D4 65588 1 PPTP mgd timer chunk
0x606581CC 65588 1 AAA DB Chunk
0x607E5EAC 65588 1 MallocLite
0x6192420C 65588 1 PPTP: pptp_tunneltype chunk
0x6075DCB8 45924 10 FastEthernet2/
processor (Optional) Displays the processor memory information.
io (Optional) Displays the I/O memory information.
fragment Displays the information of the free blocks and the blocks surrounding the
free blocks.
detail (Optional) Displays the detailed information of all the free blocks and the
blocks surrounding the free blocks that are located between the allocated
Release Modification
12.3(14)T This command was introduced.
12.2(33)SRB This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB.