show parser dump
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
15 type dhcp dest-ipaddr <address> source-ipaddr <address> option <82-82> circuit-id
15 type dhcp dest-ipaddr <address> source-ipaddr <address> option <82-82> remote-id
15 type dhcp dest-ipaddr <address> source-ipaddr <address> option <82-82> subnet-mask
15 type dhcp dest-ipaddr <address> source-ipaddr <address> option <82-82>
15 type dhcp dest-ipaddr <address> source-ipaddr <address>
15 type dhcp dest-ipaddr <address>
15 type dhcp
15 type dns target-addr <string> name-server <address> source-ipaddr <address> source-port
15 type dns target-addr <string> name-server <address> source-ipaddr <address>
15 type dns target-addr <string> name-server <address>
15 type pathEcho protocol ipIcmpEcho <address> source-ipaddr <address>
15 type pathEcho protocol ipIcmpEcho <address>
15 type pathJitter dest-ipaddr <address> source-ipaddr <address>
15 type pathJitter dest-ipaddr <address> num-packets <1-100>
15 type pathJitter dest-ipaddr <address> interval <1-1000>
15 type pathJitter dest-ipaddr <address> targetOnly
15 type pathJitter dest-ipaddr <address>
15 type slm frame-relay pvc
15 type slm controller T1 <controller>
15 type slm controller E1 <controller>
15 type slm controller T3 <controller>
15 type slm controller E3 <controller>
15 exit
In the following example, only those commands in RTR Configuration mode containing the keyword
dhcp are shown:
Router# show parser dump rtr | include dhcp
15 type dhcp dest-ipaddr <address> source-ipaddr <address> option <82-82> circuit-id
15 type dhcp dest-ipaddr <address> source-ipaddr <address> option <82-82> remote-id
15 type dhcp dest-ipaddr <address> source-ipaddr <address> option <82-82> subnet-mask
15 type dhcp dest-ipaddr <address> source-ipaddr <address> option <82-82>
15 type dhcp dest-ipaddr <address> source-ipaddr <address>
15 type dhcp dest-ipaddr <address>
15 type dhcp
The following example shows how the extend keyword displays the syntax descriptions that match those
shown using the ? command-line help:
Router# show parser dump rtr extend
Mode Name :rtr
15 type udpEcho dest-ipaddr <address> dest-port <1-65535> source-ipaddr <address>
source-port <1-65535> control enable
type : Type of entry
udpEcho : UDP Echo Operation
dest-ipaddr : Destination address
<address> : IP address or hostname
dest-port : Destination Port
<1-65535> : Port Number
source-ipaddr : Source address
<address> : IP address or hostname
source-port : Source Port
<1-65535> : Port Number
control : Enable or disable control packets