
show platform
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference
July 2008
show platform
To display platform information, use the show platform command privileged EXEC mode.
show platform {buffers | copp rate-limit {arp | dhcp | atm-oam | ethernet-oam |
pppoe-discovery | all} | np copp [ifnum] [detail] | eeprom | fault | hardware capacity |
hardware pfc mode | internal-vlan | netint | software ipv6-multicast connected |
tech-support ipmulticast group-ip-addr src-ip-addr | tlb}
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC (#)
buffers Displays buffer-allocation information.
copp rate-limit Displays CoPP rate-limit information on the Cisco 7600 SIP-400.
arp Specifies ARP protocol packet traffic.
dhcp Specifies DHCP protocol packet traffic.
atm-oam Specifies ATM OAM packet traffic.
ethernet-oam Specifies Ethernet OAM packet traffic.
pppoe-discovery Specifies PPPoE discovery packet information.
all Displays rate-limit information for all protocols.
np copp Displays debug information for a given CoPP session ID or for all CoPP
ifnum Specifies a session ID.
detail Shows full rate-limited values.
eeprom Displays CPU EEPROM information.
fault Displays the fault date.
hardware capacity Displays the capacities and utilizations for hardware resources; see the
show platform hardware capacity command.
hardware pfc mode Displays the type of installed PFC.
internal-vlan Displays the internal VLAN.
netint Displays the platform network-interrupt information.
software ipv6-multicast
Displays all the IPv6 subnet ACL entries on the route processor; see the
show platform software ipv6-multicast command.
tech-support ipmulticast Displays IP multicast-related information for TAC.
group-ip-addr Group IP address.
src-ip-addr Source IP address.
tlb Displays information about the TLB register.