On cardisinserted.NewimagesrecordedonCFcardswithexistingfiles
Off Thefilenumberofthelastimagetobeshotismemorizedsothat
_i_he[] (Setup)menu,
• SeeSelecting MenusandSettings (p. 38).
• Usethe D or (D button to select [On] or
• The display will return to the Rec.screen.
• Setting the File No. Reset to [Off] is useful for avoiding file
name duplication when images are downloaded to a
• About File and Folder Numbers
Images are assigned file numbers from 0001 to 9900, and
folders are assigned folder numbers from 100 to 998
(Folder numbers cannot contain 99 in the last two digits).
• Folder File Capacity
Each folder usually contains up to 100 images. However,
since images shot in [] and _ are always saved into the
same folder, a folder may contain more than 100 images.
The number of images may also exceed 100 if a folder
contains images copied from a computer or images shot
with other cameras. Please note, however, that the images
in folders containing 2001 or more images cannot be
replayed in this camera.