Handling Precautions
• Keepthe battery packterminals(_C_) deanat alltimes. Dirty
terminals maycausepoor contactbetween the battery packand
camera. Polishthe terminals with atissueora drycloth before charging
or usingthe battery pack.
• Donot rapidlyoverturn or wave the battery chargeraroundwhen it
containsthe battery pack.The battery packcouldfly out.
• At low temperatures, batterypackperformance maybe reducedandthe
low battery iconmay appearearlierthan usual.Undertheseconditions,
resuscitatethe battery packby warming it ina pocket immediately
before use.However,ensurethat there areno metallicitemsin the
pocket that couldcausea short circuit,suchas akey holdel,etc.
• Donot placeanything, suchastablecloths,carpets,bedding or cushions,
on top of the batterychargerwhile it ischarging. Heatwill build upand
could resultin a fire.
• Donot charge batteriesotherthan BatteryPackNB-1LHor NB-1L(sold
separately)in thischarger.
• The battery packcontinuesto dischargea minimalportion of itspower
while installedin the camera,evenwith the power off, or in the charger.
Thiswill shorten batterylife.
• Donot allowany metalobjectssuchaskeyringsto touch the "+" and "-"
terminals(Fig.A), asthiscandamagethebattery pack.Tocarrythe
battery packorstoreit during
periodsof disuse,always Fig. A _ Fig. B
replacetheterminal cover
(Fig.B)or placeit inthe
suppliedcaseand storeitin a
cool,dryplace. Rechargeit
fully beforeusingit again.
• Evencharged battery packscontinue to discharge naturally.You are
advised to charge the battery on the day of use,or one day before,
to ensure a full charge.
• Since storing afully charged battery pack for long periodsof time
(about 1year)can shorten its life cycle or affect performance, you are
recommended to use the battery pack in the camera until it is
completely dischargedand to store it at normal temperature (23_C/
732) or lower. If you do not usethe battery packfor long periods of
time, charge it fully and discharge it fully in the camera at leastonce
a year before returning itto storage.
• If theperformanceof the batterypackdiminishessubstantiallyevenwhen
it isfullycharged,itslife hasbeenexceededand it shouldbereplaced.