Replay Mode (Detailed Display)
In detailed display mode, the following
supplementary information isdisplayed.
LongShutterMode p.71
ShootingMode p.49
WhiteBalance p.73
PhotoEffects p.76
ISOSpeed p.77
Flash p.53
Macro/Infinity p.55
MeteringMethod p.69
Resolution(Movie) p.51
The following information may also be displayed with some images.
A soundfile in a format other than the WAVEformat isattachedor the
[] fileformat isnot recognized.
JPEGfilewith format not conformingto Designrulefor CameraFile
[] RAWformat file
[] Filewith unrecognizedformat
shot with this camera are replayed on other cameras or
images from other cameras are replayed on this camera.
• Histogram Function
The histogram isa graph that allows you to judge the
brightness of the recorded image. The greater the biastoward
the left, the darker the image. The more ittrends to the right,
the brighter the image. Ifthe image isdark, adjust the
exposure to a positive value. Similarly, adjust the exposure to a
negative valueto darken abright image (p. 70).
Dark image Balanced Image Bright Image