_1 • Toincludethe datein the prints,setthe Datesetting inthe Setupmenu
in Step1aboveto [On].Youcannotsetthedate to printwith the Style
menuin Step2above.Pleasenote however,that thedate will not print
ifthe printtype issetto Indexeven ifit istumed On inStep 1.
• When the printtype issetto [Both],it ispossibleto have boththe [Date]
and[FileNo.]optionssetto [On],but onlythe filenumberwill printon
the Indexprint. (Bubble Jet printers cannot print the date or
file number on Index prints.)
• When the printtype issetto [Standard],file numberswill not be
printed evenifthey aresetto [On].
printtype dependsuponthe selectedpapersize.
-CardSize: 20images
- LSize: 42images
-PostcardSize: 63images
(Pleaserefer to your BubbleJetPrinterQuickStartGuidefor an
explanationof the number of imagesprinted with aBubbleJetPrinter.)
• CancelingPrinting
Seepage 106.
• RestartingPrinting
Inthe PrintOrder menu,usethe_ or _ button to select[Resume]and
presstheSETbutton. The remainderof the selectedimageswill print.
Printingcannot be resumedunderthe following circumstances:
Ifthe print settingswere changedbefore printing isrestarted,
If imageswith print settingswere deletedbeforeprinting isrestarted,
Ifthere wasinsufficientsparecapacityonthe CFcardwhen printing
Underthesecircumstances,youcanselect[OK]inthe Printmenu and
reprintstartingfrom thefirst image.
If printing wasstopped becauseof a low battery charge, you are
recommended to resume printing using the ACAdapter Kit
ACK500 (sold separately). Ifyou do use a battery pack, ensure
that it isfully charged. Remember to turn the camera power on
again before printing.
• PrintingErrors
Seepage 106.