
114I P_._.g .....................................................................................................................................
shooting date.
A maximum of 998 images can be selected per CFcard.
When [Both] is selected, the number of print copies can be
set, but it applies to Standard prints only. The Index setting
only produces one print copy.
Print settings can also be assigned to images with the
bundled software on a computer.
Setting the Print Style
Set the print style after selecting the image to print.
The following print settings can be selected.
[] Standard Printsone imageperpage.
Print Type [] Index Printsthe selectedimagestogetherat a
reducedsizeinan indexformat.
[] [] Both Printsthe imagesinboth the standardand
[] Date Addsthe date to the print.
[] File No. Addsthe file numberto the print.
SeePrint Menu Setdngs (p. 100).
play the Print Order
| Menu. Usethe _ or (D button to select [Setup].