............ Lis_QfMenu Options and Messages I 135
How the Beep in the [] (Set up) Menu and Sounds
in the [] (My Camera) Menu Interact
To turn off each sound, such as the start-up sound, shutter sound,
operation sound and selftimer sound, the beep must first be set to [Off]
in the [] (Set up) menu and then each sound item must be set
individually to [Off]. If the beep isset to [On], a beep will sound for
each item even if it is set to [Off] in the [] (My Camera) menu.
The table below shows the relationship.
Beep Settings in the[] (Set up) Menu
On Off
Soundsinthe[] (My Camera)Menu
• (Beep) -- (Off)
• I[]> •I[])
• ([]) •(12_!)
• ([_> •([])
• Sound emitted
- Sound not emitted