1. Follow instructions under “Pump Disassembly”.
2. Follow steps 2 through 5 under “Cleaning/Replacing
3. Unscrew four nuts holding pump back half to motor.
Remove rotating half of seal by placing two
screwdrivers under back half of pump body and
carefully prying up (Figure 22). Back half of pump
body will slide off shaft, bringing seal with it.
NOTICE: Be sure you do not scratch or mar shaft; if
shaft is marred, it must be dressed smooth with fine
emery or crocus cloth before installing new seal. DO
NOT reduce shaft diameter!
4. Place pump body half face down on flat surface and
tap out stationary half of seal (see Figure 23).
1. Clean seal cavity in seal plate.
2. Wet outer edge of Rubber Cup on ceramic seat with
liquid soap. Be sparing!
3. Put clean cardboard washer on seal face. With
thumb pressure, press ceramic seal half firmly and
squarely into seal cavity (See Figure 24). Polished
face of ceramic seat is up. If seal will not seat
correctly, remove, placing seal face up on bench.
Reclean cavity. Seal should now seat correctly.
4. If seal does not seat correctly after recleaning cavity,
place a cardboard washer over polished seal face
and carefully press into place using a piece of
standard 3/4" pipe as a press.
NOTICE: Be sure you do not scratch seal face.
5. Dispose of cardboard washer and recheck seal face
to be sure it is free of dirt, foreign particles, scratches
and grease.
6. Inspect shaft to be sure it is free of nicks and scratches.
7. Reassemble pump body half to motor flange. BE
SURE it is right side up.
8. Apply liquid soap sparingly (one drop is sufficient) to
inside diameter of rotating seal member.
9. Slide rotating seal member (carbon face first) onto
shaft until rubber drive ring hits shaft shoulder.
NOTICE: Be sure not to nick or scratch carbon face of
seal when passing it over threaded shaft end or shaft
shoulder. The carbon surface must remain clean or
short seal life will result.
Maintenance (Continued)
Motor Shaft Shoulder...