
8400B Plus Data Module
8400B Plus Data Module PEC Codes
The 8400B Plus data module can be ordered in the United States using the following Price Ele-
ment Codes (PECs):
8400B Plus Data Module
PEC: 2172-2WB
COMCODE: 407444835
This package contains the data module, a D8W telephone cord, an M9/F25 Adapter, and
an adjunct power kit containing a 400B2 Adapter, a D6AP-87 cord, and a KS-22911.L2
power supply.)
Note: The 8400B Plus data module comes with a stand-alone power supply. However, it
can also be closet powered.
Additional Documents
The following documents contain additional information relating to the 8400B Plus data module:
AT&T 8400B Plus Data Module User’s Guide
, 555-020-709