Call Coverage Modules
The C201A Call Coverage Module draws its required power from the system switch through the
7205H voice terminal to which it is attached; no auxiliary power is required. However, when a
C401A or C401B module is used with a 7405D or 7434D voice terminal, auxiliary power must be
fed through the terminal’s mounting cord from one of the sources listed in the ADJUNCT
POWER section of this manual.
Call Coverage Module PEC Codes
The C201A, C401A, and C401B Call Coverage Modules can be ordered with the following PECs:
C201A Call Coverage Module—31720 (not orderable)
C401A Call Coverage Module—31743 (not orderable)
C401B Call Coverage Module (black)—31743-003
C401A Call Coverage Module (misty cream)—31743-215 (not orderable)
A Call Coverage Module and a Digital Display Module cannot be mounted on the same voice ter-
minal simultaneously. The voice terminal cannot be wall mounted if equipped with the Call Cov-
erage Module.