8410 Voice Terminal
Below is a list of the 12 default softkey features assigned to the 8410 and the order in which they
TABLE 3-E. Default Softkey Features on the 8410
First Screen
LWC Leave Word Calling
CnLWC Cancel Leave Word Calling
AutCB Automatic Callback
Timer Timer
Second Screen
CFrwd* Call Forward
CPark** Call Park
TmDay Time/Date
PCall Priority Calling
Third Screen
Prog Abbreviated Dialing Program
Pause Abbreviated Dialing Special Function Pause
Mark Abbreviated Dialing Special Function Mark
Wait Abbreviated Dialing Special Function Wait
* On DEFINITY Generic 2 or System 85 switches, this feature is named Call Forward – Follow Me.
** On DEFINITY G2 and System 85, there is no Call Park feature that can be assigned to a feature button. In order to
have the Call Park function on a softkey or hard button, administer the button as an Abbreviated Dial button and
program the Call Park trunk group access code onto it. This button can then be labeled ‘‘Call Park.’’ In addition, on a
DEFINITY G2 or System 85, the Recall feature must be administered on a standard feature button.