
Headset Adapters
Other Physical Features
A modular cord is needed for connecting the headset adapter to the associated voice terminal.
The cord carries audio signals between the adapter and the terminal and power for the adapter.
Mounting Options
The headset adapter is mounted close to its associated voice terminal.
Color Options
The 500A headset adapter is silver while the 502A is black.
The 500A Headset Adapter requires either AC or DC auxiliary power from one of the sources
listed in the ADJUNCT POWER section of this manual. Power, from the source supply, is
applied by way of the voice terminal’s mounting cord and the adapter’s connecting cord. The
502A draws its power from the system switch through the associated voice terminal.
The use of a headset provides hands-free terminal operation with more privacy than a speaker-
phone. A headset is especially convenient for users who must frequently type or look up informa-
tion during calls.
Note: A speakerphone and a headset adapter cannot be connected to the same voice ter-
minal simultaneously.
The following are typical headsets (consisting of either modular or plug prong base units and
choice of headpieces) that can be connected to the 500A, the new 500A1, and the 502A
Plug Prong Base Unit
PEC: 3122-010
Important: Plug Prong Base Units require a headset adapter.
Modular Base Unit
PEC: 3122-020
Starset Headpiece
PEC: 3122-030
Black/behind the ear