Voice terminals and adjuncts are voice and data devices that are connected to the system switch
in a business communications system. This manual provides concise physical and functional
descriptions of the voice terminals/telephones, adjuncts, and data modules that can be used with
DEFINITY Generic 1, Generic 2, Generic 3, System 75, and System 85. The book is intended
as an aid for both AT&T and customer personnel in selecting appropriate components for these
systems and for the training of personnel and management of the system.
This issue replaces all previous issues of this document. The reason for reissue is to add more
information on the items included in previous issues of this document and to include the following
new items:
8101 Telephone
8403 (8403D01A) Voice Terminal
8410B (8410D02A) Voice Terminal (without a display)
8410D (8410D01A) Voice Terminal with display
8434 (8434D01A) Voice Terminal
MDC Cordless Telephone
MDW Wireless Telephone
In Issue 3, four new sections were added. The EXPOSED PORT PROTECTION section
discusses the different protection required for lightning protection. The AVAILABILITY section
lists the availability of the products covered in this manual. The ADJUNCT POWER section
discusses the different types of adjunct power supplies available. The ADMINISTRATION sec-
tion discusses how to administer some of the newer terminals when the software of the version
switch being used does not contain the proper administration procedures for the new terminal.
The equipment covered in this manual includes the following specific groups:
Telephones/Voice Terminals
Adjuncts used with the voice terminals to enhance voice operations
Data Modules (adjuncts that support data operations)
PC Platforms (PC/PBX) and Application Software
Attendant consoles, applications processors (APs), printers, and data terminals used with APs
are not described in this manual.
Figure 1 shows a typical arrangement of terminals and adjuncts connected to the system switch.