
8403 Voice Terminal
Distance Limitations
The following circuit packs can be used with all of the 8400-Series sets.
Circuit Pack 2/4-Wire Will support these switches
TN2181 - 16-port 2-wire G3V3, G3V2
TN754b - 8-port 4-wire All switches except System 85
TN754 - 8-port 4-wire All switches except System 85
TN413 - 8-port 4-wire International System 75
SN 270 and
SN270B - 4-port 4-wire System 85 R2V2 - R2V4
In 4-wire operation, the voice terminal must be within 5,000 feet of the PBX using 22-gauge or
24-gauge wire, and within 4,000 feet of the PBX using 26-gauge wire.
In 2-wire operation, the voice terminal must be within 5,500 feet of the PBX using 22-gauge
wire, within 3,500 feet of the PBX using 24-gauge wire, and within 2,200 feet of the PBX using
26-gauge wire.