Requirements for
Incoming Modem
Touch-Tone dialer that can pause and dial characters 0
through 9, #, and *
Detection of dial tone
to take terminal dialing instructions
(compatible parity and character length with the
EIA (RS 232-C) lead DSR and RLS on before a call is
placed (follows DTR)
In addition to meeting the basic requirements, a modem
used for incoming calls must have the following
Auto-answer feature
Compatible parity and character length with MTDM
Music-on-Hold provides background music for callers
who have been placed on hold. It requires the use of a
music coupler. You must reserve a line jack for a music
source such as a radio, tape player, or stereo system. To
make it easier to add outside lines in the future, use the
last line jack(s) on the rightmost line module for the
Music-on-Hold connection. Refer to the connectivity
diagram in Figure 1-17.
Refer to the connectivity diagram in Figure 1-18. External
loudspeaker paging allows you to connect a single or
multizone paging system through a line jack on the
MERLIN II system. Background music can also be
provided by connecting a music coupler and a music
1-60 System Connectivity