
Administering Tie Lines
Available only with MERLIN
System Release 3, a tie
line module provides up to four tie line ports. For many
installations, placing tie lines in one or more pools will be
most convenient for their use. By default, lines in pools
are set to not ring at stations. No ring is the recommended
setting at an attendant station for dial repeating tie lines.
However, if the lines are administered as automatic
ringdown, they should be set for immediate ring at the
attendant station.
Each tie line port must be administered individually. In
addition, each port has associated with a set of five DIP
switches that must be set to choose the signaling mode.
The tie line module has two blocks of DIP switches (S1
and S2). The bottom DIP switch block (S1 ) contains two
sets of five switches, one set each for port 1 and port 2.
Like the bottom block, the top DIP switch block (S2)
contains two sets of five switches, one set each for port 3
and port 4. See Figure 3-5.
3-50 Administering a New System