Symptom: A caller waiting on hold hangs up, but the
light next to that line button on voice terminals in the
system continues to flash as if the call were still on
Possible Cause
The hold disconnect internaI
for the MERLIN II system is
longer than the interval at the
local telephone company’s
central office.
Possible Solution
Follow the instructions for
the “Hold Disconnect
Interval” feature on page
3-85 for Display Console
administration or page 3-103
for BIS-34D console
administration. Set the hold
disconnect interval to “’short”
(50 milliseconds). If the
light next to the line button
no longer flashes after a
caller has hung up, you have
corrected the problem.
To Investigate Further
If the light continues to flash
after a Caller has hung Up,
contact the equipment
supplier for assistance.
4-46 Procedures for Specific Symptoms