Welch Allyn Medical Diagnostic Equipment 408 Heart Rate Monitor User Manual

58 Chapter 6 Reference Welch Allyn Micropaq Monitor
Patient alarm and equipment alert specifications
Characteristic Specification
Visual Alarm Indicator at the monitor
Flashing GREEN LED
Flashing RED LED
Continuously ON RED LED
Continuously ON YELLOW LED
Normal operation
Patient alarm
Patient alarms are silenced
An equipment alert or not connected to the network
Equipment alert suspended for 90 seconds at Acuity or low battery alert
acknowledged (dismissed)
Audio Tone Locations Monitor
Acuity Central Station (when connected)
Audio Tone Frequency 2900 Hz
Life-Threatening Arrhythmia Alarm
Tone Pattern
Patient Alarm Tone Pattern
Equipment Alert Tone Pattern
1 second on, 1 second off
1second on, 2 seconds off
1second on, 4 seconds off
Audio Tone Volume The monitor audio tone volume is configured by the Acuity System to High,
Low, or Off. The monitor can be configured with separate audio tone volume
settings for when it is connected to an Acuity System and when it is not.
Limits Setable on all parameters
Alarm Control Automatic preset or manual settings
Alarm Priority Highest priority: Patient alarms
Lowest priority: Equipment alerts
Alarm on Tachycardias Most tachycardias will alarm in less than 8 seconds. These include AAMI part f. waveforms. Certain multifocal tachycardias may initially alarm
as "low rate."
Alarm Holdoff Time Period
HR = 3 seconds
% SpO
, PR = 10 seconds
Acuity-Configurable Audio Alarm Delay
at the monitor
When a monitor is connected to an Acuity System, the audio alarms at the
monitor can be delayed up to 4 minutes and 15 seconds. The delay time is
selected in Acuity software at the time of Acuity installation. Visual alarm
indications are not delayed.
Patient Alarm Tone Silence from the
monitor or Suspend from Acuity
The monitor LED is continuously ON RED and the audio tone is silenced for 90
seconds (non-adjustable).
If original alarm was silenced from the monitor, new patient alarms or
equipment alerts break the silence at the monitor, but only life-threatening
arrhythmia alarms break the silence at Acuity. If original alarm suspended at
Acuity, only life-threatening arrhythmia alarms break the silence at the
monitor and Acuity.
Equipment Alert Acknowledge from the
The LED returns to the pre-alert state (except Low Battery remains
continuously ON YELLOW) and the auditory tone is dismissed.
Equipment Alert Suspend from Acuity The LED is continuously ON YELLOW and the audio tone is silenced for 90
seconds (non-adjustable).
Patient Alarm Tone Reset from the
monitor or Resume from Acuity
For a patient alarm tone that has been silenced, resets the tone.
Patient Out of Range; Transmitter
An equipment alert is generated whenever the monitor fails to communicate
to an Acuity System after a connection has been successfully established. In
addition, the “No Acuity” icon is displayed on the monitor display.