Welch Allyn Medical Diagnostic Equipment 408 Heart Rate Monitor User Manual

Directions for Use Chapter 2 Monitoring 25
Be aware that only ECG lead II is available for display with the monitor’s 3-lead ECG
monitoring. No other ECG lead selections are available.
3-Lead ECG application with the 3-Lead ECG cable
Refer to the Welch Allyn Product and Accessories booklet (810-0409-XX) for part numbers.
Follow these steps:
1. Pe r f o r m Step 1 through Step 4 on page 23 as described for 5-lead ECG monitoring.
2. Attach lead wires to the electrodes before applying them to a patient.
3. Apply the electrodes for RA, LA, and LL to the patient at the proper locations. If the
monitor detects one of the lead wires is not properly connected, it will display a chest
diagram indicating which lead is disconnected.
4. Observe the monitor and visually confirm it displays the ECG waveform, heart rate,
and other patient data.
Be aware that only ECG lead II is available for display with the monitor’s 3-lead
monitoring. No other ECG lead selections are available. The monitor will not detect
the presence of a 3-lead cable until two or more of its leads are connected to the
3-Lead ECG application with the 3-Lead ECG cable and cable extension
This combination functions the same way as the 3-lead ECG application with the 5-lead
cable. For electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) reasons, do not use an ECG cable and
extension cable length of more than approximately 10 feet total.
WARNING Do not try to perform this 3-lead ECG monitoring with any 5-lead
ECG cable that does not have detachable electrode lead wires as described
above. Attempting to perform this procedure with a 5-lead ECG cable which has
lead wires cut off or hanging loose and not connected to the patient would
present a shock hazard to the patient or clinician.
Be aware there are some inherent limitations with this application, especially
when compared to 5-lead ECG monitoring. These limitations include the
restriction to only one displayed lead, ECG II lead. Because only one displayed
lead is available (ECG lead II), factors such as poor electrode connection at RA,
LA, or LL can significantly affect performance. To overcome these limitations,
the 5-lead ECG monitoring is preferred.
The monitor’s 3-lead ECG monitoring is only available for use with Acuity
software versions 6.1 or later.