ABS-PRC001-EN© 2003 American Standard Inc. All rights reserved.
Hybrid Chiller Plant
A chiller plant design that allows the
operator to choose between multiple
energy sources is referred to as a hybrid
design. Hybrid chiller plants are
receiving increasing attention as
valuable options for facility owners.
There are various types of hybrid plant
designs. They encompass different
combinations of electric chillers and
other chiller types, including gas or
steam absorption chillers. The
advantages of having a choice of energy
sources will become even more viable
as we move further into the new
Today we hear about utility deregulation.
For the first time, building owners can
negotiate power supply and natural gas
contracts with their traditional supplier,
as well as with new suppliers in the
market. The fuel-switching flexibility of
the hybrid plant puts the owner in a
much stronger negotiating position.
Similarly, many electric utilities offer
attractive off-peak or dual fuel electric
rates for applications which are not
operating during peak electric system
demand, most commonly in the
summer months. This represents an
opportunity for building owners who can
switch to a gas or steam system.