• Each time you use the Speed + Distance Sensor, the watch will
correct itself for any drift from UTC time since you last used the
Speed + Distance Sensor.
Here are a few tips regarding time synchronization:
• When using the Speed + Distance Sensor,the time on the
watch is updated when the Sensor locks onto the satellites and
then every fifteen minutes thereafter as long as the watch is
receiving data from the Speed + Distance Sensor.
• The primary purpose of Time Synchronization is to correct for
any drift or inaccuracy in the watch timekeeping – it will not
adjust the watch for Daylight Savings Time, if observed in your
• Once the watch has been synchronized with UTC,you may
adjust the watch “ahead”or “behind”the correct time and still
keep the benefits of drift correction. For example, you may
want to adjust the time so that it is 10 minutes ahead of the
actual time in your area. No problem – manually set the time
ahead 10 minutes and the watch will stay exactly 10 minutes
ahead of the correct local time.
Viewing Performance Data
When using the Speed + Distance Sensor or the Heart Rate
Sensor, you can monitor your performance data in the bottom line
of the display.Viewing this data is simply a matter of pressing and
releasing the DISPLAY button until you see the data that you want:
• Current Speed
• Current Pace
• Overall Distance traveled for your current workout.This data is
somewhat dependent on the state of the Chronograph. Please
see the complete description for “Overall Distance”in the
Summary Mode section of this manual.
• Current Heart Rate
TIP: If you don’t want to view any performance data at all,you
may elect to “hide”these data and view the day of the week
instead; this selection is always available when selecting the
performance data to view.This setting will be maintained the
next time you use the Bodylink® system, so it might appear that
you are not receiving any sensor data since the day of the week
is still visible. Keep this in mind when electing to view
the day of week.