The compass mode provides the user with:
a cardinal or half cardinal point abbreviation;
bearing degrees;
a North-South arrow;
a bearing track mode showing desired direction and actual bearing;
a rotating bezel;
a resolution of 1° for the bearing, ±5° for North-South direction; and
a declination correction feature.
To view and use the Compass mode:
Check the Mode Indicator Bar. If the mode arrow is not on COMP, PRESS the [Mode] button until the arrow is
directly below COMP on the bar.
In the COMPASS mode (Fig. 31):
Field 1 displays the cardinal or half-cardinal point.
Field 2 displays the bearing in degrees.
Field 3 displays the current time.
The Outer Circumference graphically displays the North-South arrow where one-lit segment shows North
and three-lit segments show South.
The compass display is active for 45 seconds at a time. After this, the compass enters sleep mode and
an ---° indicator appears in the field 2. Reactivate the compass by pressing the [-] button.
The Mariner provides a bubble level for the user to achieve a precise reading within ±3 degrees. The user
centers the liquid bubble to ensure the Wristop Computer position is level and takes a reading.
Note: Compass readings should be performed away from objects possessing sources of magnetism. Avoid
buildings, large metal objects, power lines, loudspeakers, electric motors etc.
Always take bearings in the open air, not inside tents, caves, or other shelters.