Learning to move elliptically
Your Ectipse TM t O00HR features a smooth, natural true elliptical path To start exercis-
ing, stand upright with good posture, on the foot pedals Hold tile stationary handle-
bars and bend your elbows Avoid hyperextending or "locking" your arms Begin to
move your feet in a forward motion The elliptical motion is a natura! motion like walk-
ing Relax into the movement When you are comfortable with tile leg motion, place
your hands on the dual action handlebars Pusll and pull gently with your arms, allow-
ing tllem to pump in a natural motion, as if you ,were walking Once you have mas-
tered the forward motion, reverse your foot modon and stride backwards Again, ttTe
motion should feel completely natura! Remember to always keep your knees 'soft"
and your posture upright throughout the motion.
There are eight basic exercises that you can do on your Eclipse 1000HR.
Before performing any of the exercises, please read these instructions care-
fully. When you are ready to begin, make sure that you have warmed up
adequately [as described on pages 7-9j. Remember to breathe properly
and make sure that you drink plenty of water before, during and after
your workout.
Adjusting the speed or cadence of each exercise will allow you to vary ttqe intensity
and make your workout harder or easier Begin with a cadence similar to the pace
you use when walking comfortably To increase intensity, gradually speed up ttqe
pace to a run
I_ Basic upright position
Stand upright on the foot pedals with your hands on
either the stationary or dual action handlebars Your
knees should be 'soft, not locked Move your legs
forward in a smooth, elliptical motion. Maintain
good. uprigllt posture throughout the exercise. Keep
your shoulders aligned over your lqips Do not lean
forward In this exercise the fl"ont and back of the
thighs and hips equally share the worl- toad
during the elliptical movement