Rio Grande Games 248 Board Games User Manual

(However the D-Team still moves a pawn the amount of the roll.) The O-Team has
kept possession and begins a new OFFENSIVE SET.
If the O-Team is not able to reach the ball on its first attempt, it will still move
a pawn the amount of the roll. If the D-Team can then reach the ball on its first
attempt, it has captured the ball. The D-Team then becomes the O-Team and begins
Both teams always get the same amount of attempts to get to the ball.
B. Direct Pass (see Figure 05)
If the O-Team plays the ball to a square that has only a teammate on it, this is a
Direct Pass (there is no D-Team move on this play). The O-Team must then play the
ball again immediately. If there is another Direct Pass on this extra play, the O-Team
does not go again (except if the second direct pass is received inside the penalty
area or on a long distance shot square - see rule 5B - in which case the O-Team shoots
for a goal right away.) After the extra play the D-Team then rolls the die and tries
to move a pawn to the square with the ball.
C. Dribbling
If the O-Team rolls a ”1” to play the ball, there is an option (besides playing only
the ball) to move the ball and pawn together. The pawn which has possession of the
ball may move one square in any direction with the ball.
The D-Team then rolls the die and tries to move a pawn to the square with the
ball. If the D-Team gets there a battle takes place. If the D-Team cannot get there
then the O-Team keeps possession of the ball and begins a new OFFENSIVE SET.
D. ”Battling” for the ball (see Figure 06)
A battle immediately takes place when:
• The D-Team moves a pawn to the square
that has the O-Team pawn with the ball.
• The O-Team plays the ball to a square with
two pawns on it (one from each team).
• The O-Team dribbles the ball to a square
with a D-Team pawn on it (see rule 4C).
To battle, both teams roll the dice at the
same time. The team with the highest roll
wins the battle, gets sole possession of the
ball, and begins a new OFFENSIVE SET.
(The team that wins the battle places its
pawn on the ball to show the ball possession.) If there is a tie, roll the dice again.
Any pawn on your team can battle for the ball.
The defender (halma) pawns count as +1 on top of the die roll (battling).
The Goal Keeper counts as +2 on top of the die roll (battling).
Strikers and midfielders count the exact amount of the die roll.
Soccer Tactics WORLD - Rules © 2004-2007 Randy J. Thompson | Stein-Thompson Games
Figure 06
Battling for the ball
The D-Team pawn (C) moves to the square
with the O-Team pawn and the ball.