Rio Grande Games 248 Board Games User Manual

(besides the Goal Keeper). The O-Team can only have 4 pawns maximum in the Penalty
Area also.
Only 1 pawn from each team can occupy the Goal Area squares. One is the Keeper.
When both teams are set up for the Corner Kick then the O-Team rolls the die.
To do the Corner Kick, the pawn near the corner flag now moves to the corner square.
The O-Team now moves the ball the amount of the roll.
The ball starts out from the corner square. The next square counts as 1.
The pawn that does the Corner Kick is not allowed to touch the ball again until
it has been touched by another pawn (from either team).
There is no Off-Side on a Corner Kick.
9. Fouls (Yellow and Red Cards)
A. Fouls
When battling (rule 4D) takes place and one team rolls a “6” (best) and the other team
rolls a “1” (worst) this means that a foul has been committed by the team rolling the
”1”. A Free Kick is awarded to the team that rolled the ”6” (see ‘Free Kick’, rule 10). The pawn
that has committed the foul is shown a yellow card. When one team commits a foul,
the other team shows the card to the pawn and places the card in the foul section
at the far end of the board (beside the number or letter).
If a pawn receives a second yellow card, that pawn is disqualified from the game!
A yellow and a red card are shown to that pawn, and the red card is placed in the foul
section (remove the yellow card). The pawn is removed from the game and placed on its
number or letter in the foul section.
However, the defenders are a group and are not individually numbered. Therefore if
the defenders (as a group) receive two yellow cards, the defender pawn that was shown
the second yellow card is then shown a red card and is disqualified from the game. (The
”D” in the foul section is for the Defender (halma) pawns.)
To make space for future yellow cards for the defenders, move that defender and the
red card to the side of the board. The next yellow card that is awarded to the defenders
count as their first yellow card.
If a foul is committed by a pawn of the D-Team in the Penalty Area, a Penalty Kick is
awarded to the O-Team (see below).
B. Penalty Kick (see Figure 11)
If a battle takes place in the
Penalty Area, and the O-Team rolls a
”6” and the D-Team rolls a ”1”, this
means that there has been a foul
committed by the D-Team. A Penalty
Kick is awarded to the O-Team. The
pawn of the D-Team gets a yellow
card, which will be placed in the foul
area beside the number or letter of
the pawn (see above).
Figure 11
Penalty Kick
Soccer Tactics WORLD - Rules © 2004-2007 Randy J. Thompson | Stein-Thompson Games