Impex MACH V Home Gym User Manual

STEP 12 (See Cable Loop Diagram & Diagram 12)
A.) Attach the Ball-end of the 163” AB Cable (#55) to the opening on the Front Vertical
Beam (#7). Attach a Pulley to the opening. Secure it with one M10 x 2 ½” Allen Bolt
(#117), two Ø 7/8” Pulley Bushings (#70), and one M10 Aircraft Nut (#128). Use a C-clip
(#136) to connect the AB Strap (#59) to the end of the Cable.
B.) Draw the Cable over the Pulley then pull downward and over the Small Pulley Wheel
(#65) to the second open bracket on the Main Base Frame (#1). Attach a Pulley and U-
shaped Pulley Bracket (#47) to the bracket.
C.) Secure the Pulley with one M10 x 1 ¾” Allen Bolt (#113), two Ø ¾” Washes (#124), and
one M10 Aircraft Nut (#128).
D.) Draw the Cable around the Pulley then Pull upward to the Angled Double Floating Pulley
Bracket (#34) previously installed in Step11-C. Repeat Step C above to install another
E.) Draw the Cable over the Pulley then pull downward. Attach the Cable to a Pulley.
Repeat Step C above to install the Pulley to a Double Floating Pulley Bracket (#36). Let
the Bracket hanging for now.
F.) Draw the Cable around the Pulley then pull the Cable upward. Use a C-clip (#136) to
connect the end of Cable to a Short Chain (#134). Secure the Short Chain to the Rear
Vertical Beam (#6) with one M10 x 1” Allen Bolt (#114), two Ø ¾” Washers (#124), and
one M10 Aircraft Nut (#128).
G.) After completing the entire cable installation, check the tightness of the Cable loop
system. Adjust the tension of Cables by adjusting the length of the Short Chain. If the
Cables are too loose, shorten the Chain.