Horizon Fitness T71 Treadmill User Manual

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Letsyou createandreusea perfect workoutforyou with specific speed,incline and time combination.
Theultimate in personalprogramming.Time-basedgoal.
I. Oncethe CUSTOMprogramhas beenchosen,pressENTER
2. Choosethe desiredTiMEusing theSPEEOARROWKEYSand pressENTER.
3. Choosethe desiredSPEEOfor eachsegment, using the SPEEOARROWKEYS
and pressENTER.Note: Youwill needto pressENTERafter eachsegment.
4. Choosethe desiredINCLINEfor eachsegment,using theINCLINEARROWKEYS
and pressENTER.Note: Youwill needto pressENTERafter eachsegment.
5. Press STARTto begin your program. At this time, your program has been
successfullysavedinto memory,and can be usedfor future workouts.
PressingSTOPcan returnyou toyour last customsetting.
ToRESETyourprograminformation and deleteit from memory,pressand hold
theENTERkeyfor 5 seconds.
Whileusingyour savedprogram,you are able toadjust the speedorincline, but
any changeswill not be saved.