Horizon Fitness T71 Treadmill User Manual

Yourtreadmill is capableof reaching high speeds.Alwaysstart off usinga slowerspeedandadjust thespeedin
srnafl incrementsto reach a higherspeedlevel Neverleavethe treadmill unattendedwhileit is running. When
not in use, removethe safety key,turn the on/off switch to off and unplug the powercord. Makesure to follow
theMAINTENANCEschedulelocatedon page34 in this manual. Keepyourbodyand headfacing forward.Donot
attempt to turn aroundor lookbackwardswhile the treadmifl is running. Stopyour workoutimmediatelyif you
feelpain, faint, dizzyor are short of breath.
Donotoperate the treadmillif thepowercordorplugis damaged.
i If the treadmillappearsto notbe workingproperly,do notuse the treadmill.
Firmlygrasp thebackendof thetreadmill. Carefu//y
rift the end of the treadmill deck into the upright
position until the foot lock latch engages and
securelylocks the deckinto position. Makesure the
deckis securelylatched beforeletting go. Tounfold,
firmly grasp the back end of the treadmill. Gently
pressdownonthe footlocklatch withyourfootuntil
the lock latch disengages.Carefullylower the deck
to theground.
Yourtreadmill has a pair of transport wheelsbuilt
into the frame. Tomove,make sure the treadmill is
folded and securelylatched. Thenfirmly grasp the
handlebars, tilt the treadmill backand roll
o/Treadmillsareheavy,uSecare addition ihelp
Do,otattempttomoveortransPO treadmillunless!tisintheupright,foideU
i _ p°siti°n with the Iock!atch secured.Failure to foflowthese instructions COU!d
resu/ inj, ;]