www.wegener.com 800032-01 Rev. G 53
Unity 4600 User’s Manual
Table 4.1: Alarm and Warning Descriptions
LCD Alarm or Warning
Meaning / Possible Cause
App Self-testing New application software was recently promoted from the
backup to primary executing position and is now performing
its initial self-test. This is a Warning for normal behavior and is
not a fault.
App SW d-load fail Download of application software to backup flash space has
failed. Contact network TOC and advise.
App SW switch fail Unable to switch to backup software from network command,
usually because that software image is not available or
ASI TS muted ASI Transport output has been muted per user or network
Aud N buff overflow
(N=audio port number)
Audio port N PES data buffer overflow. Audio PES data being
delivered faster than can be decompressed. There may be a
problem with the STC at uplink Mux or in the IRD.
Aud N data lost
(N=audio port number)
Audio port N PES data not available (buffer underflow). here
may be a problem in the hardware for that audio port or in the
uplink encoder. Check that PTS values in the audio stream do
not grossly lead PCR.
Aud N LD not in PMT
(N=audio port number)
No audio PID found in PMT with assigned language
descriptor for hard-assigned port N. Check that the language
descriptor requested by the user or network is actually
assigned to an existing audio stream.
Aud N PID not found
(N=audio port number)
Audio PID found in PMT with requested language descriptor but
no PES data detected. Check uplink encoder.
Aud N type invalid
(N=audio port number)
Audio PES stream type not supported.
Auto-Recovery Auto-recovery in progress. This may be caused by any of the
following problems on a previously commanded or
successfully acquired transport stream: (1) IRD unable to
deliver services for time exceeding Services Recovery
Timeout; (2) IRD required to maintain connection to
and IRD has not detected COMPEL for time
exceeding Network Recovery Timeout; or (3) IRD detects
invalid incoming COMPEL header.
Bad audio N PTS
(N=audio port number)
Excessive jumps or jitter in Audio port N PTS values
Bad PMT One or more Program Map Tables are corrupted. See "No
PMT" indication.
Bad Sec Micro SN Serial number read from secure processor does not match
unit. There may be a an attempt at piracy, a defective NVRAM
memory, or a defective secure processor.
Bad VBI Data FN LM
(N=field number;
M=line number)
VBI data for field N, line M is unrecognized or in an
unsupported format. Contact TOC to confirm that the version
of application code in your IRD is current.