50 800032-01 Rev. G www.wegener.com
TEST group value
group: Mnemonic for a test group: Either RF, AV, DTMF, or REL.
value: Parametric value which has meaning depending on the test group selected.
Command to activate Installation Test Modes. A Local Control Command (available from the terminal
regardless of "Local Control Enable/Disable" commands from the network).
If group is
RF, the legal values are 1, 2, 3, 4, and OFF. Entering numbers for value cause the IRD to report
the RF level (not locked to carrier) at that RF Feed Port every few seconds. Entering
stops the measurement.
If group is
AV, the legal values are ON and OFF. If ON, a test pattern is activated on the video output and
test tones activated on the audio output, the same as the generic
TESTMODE command.
If group is
DTMF, the legal values are ON and OFF. If ON, the command behaves like the DTMFVOL
command entered with no parameters
If group is
REL, the legal values are ON and OFF. If ON, both user cue relays are alternately energized
and de-energized.
Command stops all volatile test functions as if unit were reset. A Local Control Command (available from
the terminal regardless of "Local Control Enable/Disable" commands from the network).
UNMUTE [source][source][source][...]
source: Same as the MUTE command.
Identical to
MUTE except specified services are unmuted.
Displays the boot-up Welcome banner and the versions of hardware and software components within
the IRD. Should include the unit serial number, model number, and customer ID. A Local
Control Command (available from the terminal regardless of "Local Control Enable/Disable"
commands from the network).
VBI enable line field
enable: E for Enable or D for Disable.
line: Line # where VBI data is normally to be re-inserted. Values below
7 or above 22 are illegal.
field: Field # where VBI data is normally to be re-inserted. Values are
1 or 2 for upper and lower.
Command enables or disables VBI data re-insertion on the line and field indicated for those IRDs that
support that function.