
www.wegener.com 800032-01 Rev. G 47
Unity 4600 User’s Manual
SERVICE video_pid [pcr_pid] [audio1_pid] [audio2_pid]
video_pid: Hex value between 20 and 1FFE.
audio1_pid:Hex value between
20 and 1FFE.
audio2_pid:Hex value between
20 and 1FFE.
pcr_pid: Hex value between
20 and 1FFE.
Command selects A/V services directly by PID number only. This changes Unit Setting #11 to “By PID”
if not already set that way.
SET parameter value
SET TO destination [time]
SET FROM source
parameter: One of format, feed, freq [for “carrier freq”], rate [for “data rate”], FEC, tag [for “tag site”],
prog [for “program”], margin [for “Eb/No margin warning zone”], aud1, or aud2 [for
“descriptors assigned to audio ports 1 and 2”]. See
PERM and ADDE commands for
definitions and limits.
value: Value of the parameter as in any settings command (
PERM, TEMP, number or label of a Preset table entry.
time: Length of insert in either
HH:MM:SS format (valid range is 0:00:00 to 18:00:00, leading zeros
OK to omit on hours) OR in number of seconds. (A one-hour
TEMP could have a parameters:
1:00:00 or 3600.)
PERM, CURR, number or label of a Preset table entry.
SET sets the value of individual parameters in a ‘scratch pad’ settings group. SET TO will store the scratch
pad settings to a search table entry or to the permanent or temporary settings (requires an
insert time as a second parameter).
SET FROM loads the scratch pad settings from a search
table entry or from the current or permanent settings.
SETAUDIO port route [program] [atten]
port: Value of 1 to 6 indicating an audio port
route: S - Stereo (Left and Right components routed as connected at original MPEG encoder)
1 - Original Left component to both L and R outputs
2 - Original Right component to both L and R outputs
M - Sum of Left and Right components to both L and R outputs
R - Reverse of “Stereo” above (if allowed by hardware)
program: Can be a three character name or an ‘*’. If the 3-character name is specified, the unit will
route the audio PES stream with the specified name to the port. If ‘‘*’ is specified, the unit
will default to the first audio program in the PMT that is not routed to another port.