44 800032-01 Rev. G www.wegener.com
type: Indicates the type of report as follows:
C - Carrier Status
P - Parameters
G - Group Status
GL - Genlock system (if installed and applicable)
M - MPEG PSI Status
NC - Network Controller Status
R - Relay Status
RTLOG - non-volatile log of last 10 “tuning” type commands
S - Settings Status
ST - Settings Table
SP - Serial Port Configuration
See also parameters for RP and RD commands
[page]: This option can have a value of 1 to 40 and is only applicable for the group status report.
Indicates the page to be reported. If omitted, all eight pages are reported and scrolls off the
terminal screen.
With the R command, the user gets a combined report of unit non-volatile settings and status and
diagnostics for each item grouping (e.g., RF for all unit settings and all status diagnostics for
acq/tracking). A Local Control Command (available from the terminal regardless of "Local
Enable/Disable" commands from the network).
RD group
group: Indicates group of status/diagnostic information to report, as follows:
AUD - Audio service diagnos.
AW - Alarm/Warning status
CA - Conditional Access diagnostics
DPI - Conditional Digital Program Insertion (DPI)
GL - Genlock system (if installed and applicable)
LAN - IP/Ethernet diagnostics
network control diagnostics
PRGMP - Program mapping at ASI output
MSC - Miscellaneous diagnostics
REC - Automated Recovery status
RF - Carrier Acquisition/Tracking diagnostics
RPA - Return Path diagnostics
SW - Software download/self-test status
TS - Transport Stream diagnostics
VID - Video service diagnostics
Expanded report on unit volatile diagnostic and status information. A Local Control Command (available
from the terminal regardless of "Local Control Enable/Disable" commands from the
RE state [number]
state: ON, OFF, or W
number: 1 or 2, or E1 thru En (for n-relay expansion option module, if installed) indicating the affected
user relay.