
36 800032-01 Rev. G www.wegener.com
COMPEL-req:Values are REQ, NR, or GL.
to be temporarily required, not required, or left as normal global unit
setting (respectively) when attempting this Preset during Recovery.
tags-req: Values are
REQ, NR, or GL.
Forces Carrier ID Tags to be temporarily required, not required, or left as normal global unit
setting (respectively) when attempting this Preset during Recovery.
aud1: Language descriptor (or wildcard ‘*’) for audio stream to be assigned to Audio port 1.
aud1_rt:S - Stereo (left and right components routed as connected at original MPEG encoder)
1 - Original left component to both L and R outputs
2 - Original right component to both L and R outputs
M - Sum of left and right components to both L and R outputs
R - Reverse of "Stereo" above (if allowed by hardware)
aud2: Language descriptor (or wildcard ‘*’) for audio stream to be assigned to Audio port 2.
aud1_rt: Same as aud1_rt above
margin: Margin offset in dB. Ranges between 0 and N dB. (See
MARGIN command for N.)
This command augments the
ADDS command to populate the extended Preset Entry. Note that if this
Preset is used to acquire services (through Recovery or user command), these temporary
COMPEL and Tags-required parameters, if used, will be adopted as the permanent global
unit parameters.
ADDS location [format] [feed #] [carrier freq] [data rate] [FEC] [Tag Site] program# [label]
location: Value from 1 up to max (highest entry #) indicating location in settings table.
For format, feed #, carrier freq, data rate, FEC, tag site, program #, and label see PERM command.
This command adds entries to the
U5000-style preset table at the entry number given. If entry at location
was already in use, it will be overwritten.
Forces IRD to report the status of the two application storage spaces, showing current and backup
application software (if any). A Local Control Command (available from the terminal
regardless of "Local Control Enable/Disable" commands from the network).
Unloads the currently executing application software and, instead, loads and runs the backup software.
AUDATTEN port# atten
port#: Either 1 or 2 for audio ports 1 or 2.
atten: Must be a numeric value for attenuation in dB. Legal values are given in individual IRD