
52 Netra 440 Server System Administration Guide August 2004
Volume Management Software
Volume management software lets you create disk volumes. Sun Microsystems offers
two different volume management applications for use on the Netra 440 server:
VERITAS Volume Manager (VVM) software
Solaris™ Volume Manager software
Sun’s volume management applications offer the following features:
Support for several types of RAID configurations, which provide varying degrees
of availability, capacity, and performance
Hot-spare facilities, which provide for automatic data recovery when disks fail
Performance analysis tools, which enable you to monitor I/O performance and
isolate bottlenecks
A graphical user interface (GUI), which simplifies storage management
Support for online resizing, which enables volumes and their file systems to grow
and shrink online
Online reconfiguration facilities, which let you change to a different RAID
configuration or modify characteristics of an existing configuration
VERITAS Dynamic Multipathing
VERITAS Volume Manager software actively supports multiported disk arrays. It
automatically recognizes multiple I/O paths to a particular disk device within an
array. Called Dynamic Multipathing (DMP), this capability provides increased
reliability by providing a path failover mechanism. If one connection to a disk is lost,
VVM continues to access the data over the remaining connections. This multipathing
capability also provides greater I/O throughput by automatically balancing the I/O
load uniformly across multiple I/O paths to each disk device.
Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager
A newer alternative to DMP that is also supported by the Netra 440 server is Sun
StorEdge Traffic Manager software. Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager is a server-based
dynamic path failover software solution, used to improve the overall availability of
business applications. Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager (previously known as
multiplexed input/output, or MPxIO) is included in the Solaris OS.