
46 Netra 440 Server System Administration Guide August 2004
Obtaining Automatic System Recovery
Use the following procedure to retrieve information about the status of the
automatic system recovery (ASR) feature.
At the ok prompt, type:
In the .asr command output, any devices marked disabled have been manually
unconfigured using the asr-disable command. The .asr command also lists
devices that have failed firmware diagnostics and have been automatically
unconfigured by the OpenBoot ASR feature.
For more information, see:
“Automatic System Recovery” on page 41
“Enabling and Disabling Automatic System Recovery” on page 44
“To Disable Automatic System Recovery” on page 45
“Unconfiguring and Reconfiguring Devices” on page 46
“To Reconfigure a Device Manually” on page 48
Unconfiguring and Reconfiguring
To support a degraded boot capability, the OpenBoot firmware provides the
asr-disable command, which enables you to unconfigure system devices
manually. This command “marks” a specified device as disabled, by creating an
appropriate status property in the corresponding device tree node. By convention,
the Solaris OS does not activate a driver for any device so marked.
To Unconfigure a Device Manually
1. At the ok prompt, type:
ok .asr
ok asr-disable device-identifier